Recently I was doing some work on hybrid mobile app development. In past days I used windows for mobile app development particular Android Development with Android Studio on Android.

This time I was running Ubuntu and installed Genymotion. Created virtual devices and I encountered issue which reported that “Virtualbox was somehow unable to assign IP to virtual device” and always linked me to this Genymotion FAQ (!/support?chapter=collapse-nostart#faq). I tried every possible way to get rid of this problem. Tried solution given in the above page. After many failed attempts finally got the solution.


  • Disable firewall (ufw)
$ sudo ufw disable  
$ sudo service ufw stop  
  • Configure the Network Interface in vitualbox as shown in below screenhosts.

Host only networks

Configure Adapter - 1

Enable Server

Match your settings as shown in above screenshots. Save the settings and re-start the Genymotion virtual devices. Wait for few seconds and it should start to show up.

if you have any confusions drop your comments.
