1. Start Eclipse Editor

2. Click in Help > Install New Software

3.Then Click in Add and use the entries as shown below

Name : PyDev Eclipse

Location : http://pydev.org/updates/

[![Add PyDev Eclipse Repository](wp-content/uploads/2017/11/AddRepository_008.png "Add PyDev Eclipse Repository")](wp-content/uploads/2017/11/AddRepository_008.png)
Add PyDev Eclipse Repository

Click on Ok.

Then wait for few seconds, the list will be updated and you’ll be presented with two options

PyDev and PyDev Mylyn Integration(optional).

Select the upper one. Then click Next > Finish.

[![PyDev Eclipse Plugin Select](wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Install_009.png "PyDev Eclipse Plugin Select")](wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Install_009.png)
PyDev Eclipse Plugin Select

When asked to trust the certificate from Aptatna Tick the box next to it, then Eclipse will download the plugin.

Q. How to confirm plugin installation has succeed ?

A. Click File > New > Other

PyDev is also listed, that confirms the installation of PyDev has succced.

[![PyDev Installation Confirmation](wp-content/uploads/2017/11/New_010.png "PyDev Installation Confirmation")](wp-content/uploads/2017/11/New_010.png)
PyDev Installation Confirmation

Have a nice day.


Reference: http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/pydev-python-ide-eclipse