I have tried learning each day a new thing. Like yesterday, I knew how to create a website and create an email account for the particular account. I also learned how to create pages in my CMS i.e. WordPress.

I am learning to use this CMS. It’s been only a week and I think I already have learned so many things. It really needs enthusiasm and some leisure times to learn new things. I have been utilizing my free time learning new programming langauage and graphics package. I have been learning Java Programming Language and Photoshop. Although I have already learned C/C++ in course, so I don’t think Java’s gonna be so tough, but yet I found it learning a bit tricky and challenging. I found Java has got so many opportunities. You can go to any field you like Java3D, JMF (Java Media Framework), J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) etc. There are so many fields where you can use Java. We used Java in our Minor Project (SMS Banking). That really helped me a lot to understand how Java & JVM actually works.

With each learn we get to learn so many things, only if you have noticed, but the sooner we learn it the sooner we get to forget it. So I thought it would be better if I note them down, at least in future that would remind me of the things I might have forgotten, whenever I turn back and look them again, at least the topic wouldn’t be newer for me.

Have a nice day !