This might be due to the broken ftp upload. Well Mine was due to the broken ftp uploads due to slow internet connection. When I faced this problem I went for usual solutions like checking

  • If Visual Editor is Enable or not ( Users → Authors & Users )
  • Looking for options to enable Visual Editor ( User → Select user → uncheck mark Disable Visual Editor )

But those solutions didn’t seem to have any effect. Then I went for digging, as I was curious what might be the problem, when I compared my wordpress local folder tree for tinyMCE (Visual Editor Used for WordPress) I found that some folders and files were. I suspected if they were the problem. Then rather than using the FireFtp Addons for firefox I used the browser based FTP service, link is given below:

  • to upload my files which also supports zip upload and decompression

Once I uploaded all files, I just made confirmation that everything was ok, and came back to wordpress dashboard and Created New Post Voila !!! It was there tinyMce Working as expected.

Other problem that I notice was

Add/Edit Image Pop-up was not working in Add New Post.

This problem was due to the missing javascript files, which after uploading worked well. This problem usually happens when you are upgrading wordpress from lower version to newer version. So after upgrading we have to have make sure that everything is working as expected, and before going live its always better to have check it locally i.e. test in localhost.

I wrote made a little note here so that it might be helpful for other having the same problem. If you find it helpful you can help me too by click on the link above where it says ads by google.

<em>References :</em>